Monday, February 4, 2008

Isis: Mothering

The following is excerpted exactly from The Goddess Oracle by Amy Sophia Marashinsky and the illustrations are by Hrana Janto. For more information on their work, please visit the following websites:

Amy Sophia Marashinsky:
You can download the meditations included in the ritual suggestions at

Hrana Janto:


I conceived


and birthed all life

Then, out of my love for you

my children

I gave you my beloved mate, Osiris

Lord of vegetation

God of the grain

to be cut down

and born again

I nursed you through sickness with my healing arts

I made you clothes and invented weaving and spinning

I watched over your first steps

helping you grow from infancy to maturity

I was even there with you

at the end

to hold your hand

and guide you to immortality

You were All

and I gave you all

and to you I was All

Isis, Great Goddess, All Mother


Isis (pronounced eye’sis), also known as Au Set (“exceeding queen”) and Isis Panthea (“Isis the All-Goddess”), was worshipped in many places including Egypt, the Roman empire, Greece and Germany. When her beloved Osiris was killed then dismembered and scattered by her brother Set, Isis searched out the pieces and reassembled them. She found all but his penis, which she replaced with one of gold. Through use of her magic and healing arts she brought Osiris back to life then conceived, through his golden penis, the Sun God Horus. When the temples of Isis were turned into Christian churches, Isis with baby Horus on her lap became the Virgin Mary and Jesus.

Meaning of the Card:

Isis has appeared in your life to tell you it is time for mothering. Have you been giving all your mothering energy away without keeping some for yourself? Have you taken on a new project or just had a new baby? Do you feel that something needs extra mothering, but you aren’t up to it? Did your own mother or caregiver give you the mothering you needed? Isis says that it is important to get the mothering you need in order to heal past wounds. Everyone needs to be mothered, regardless of whether you are a maiden, mother or crone.

Ritual Suggestion: Journey to Isis:
You can download this meditation at the following site for $2.00

Find a time and a place when and where you will not be disturbed. Sit or lie comfortably with your spine straight and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and release it with the sound “ma”. Take another deep breath and let go of all you are holding onto as you sound “ma”. Now take a deep breath and, as you release it see, sense or feel yourself on a smooth clear river in a small boat. It is a warm, sunny day and the boat is rocking you gently back and forth, back and forth. You lie in the boat on soft cushions while the boat carries you along. Allow yourself to surrender to the warmth of the sun and the motion of the boat. The sounds of the water lapping against the boat send you into a blissfully relaxed state. You are now able to ask “where do I need mothering?” You see, feel, or sense a time in your life, past or present, when you needed to be mothered and didn’t receive what you needed. Allow any feelings that come up to be expressed.

The boat drifts into a landing and stops. You sit up. Before you is the Temple of Isis. You get out of the boat and walk up to the Temple. Take off your shoes and enter the Temple. It is dark inside, except for an oil lamp which burns in the entryway. You take the oil lamp and continue into the depths of Isis’s temple. Find a spot where you feel comfortable and put the oil lamp on the ground, then sit before it and call Isis.

Isis appears and asks you what you need. You tell her of the time in your life when you needed mothering and ask her to mother you. Give yourself over to her and take in her divine mothering, till you feel full and satiated. Isis asks you for a gift and you give it to her with an open heart.

When you are ready to leave, thank her. Isis vanishes and you pick up the oil lamp, return it to its place, and leave the temple. The boat is waiting for you. You get back into the boat. The boat drifts into the river and heads back. You drift with it feeling relaxed, revitalized, and at peace. The boat lands on the opposite side of the river. Take a deep breath, release it slowly and, when you feel ready, open your eyes. Welcome back!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much. I would like to borrow the picture for my Facebook page today. Please, tell me what do I need to do. I don't sell anything there, just write.
