Thursday, April 17, 2008

Feed That Spirit

Dearest Goddesses,

I used to think that we needed to make sure we actively filled our well so that we weren’t running on empty. Take an artist date, read nourishing books, etc. But one thing that has become clear to me is that your well is always full – it’s a never ending spring, that never runs dry. HOWEVER, it is up to you to actively access the well. Some of us are totally closed off completely to this well – some of us feel safe accessing the well in certain areas of our lives, but deny the flow in others. It’s up to us to access the well – and be willing to let the well flow in every area of our lives.

This week is about nourishment. And our bodies, minds and souls all require nourishment in order for us to access our never ending well of abundant flow. And perhaps it’s human nature, but we will do almost anything in our power to dam up the flow! (I was so inspired by the Biggest Loser on Tuesday that I recommitted to health and wellness. Yesterday I had to go shopping and bought two candy bars and scarfed them down. Then I wondered why at 7pm I wasn’t hungry for any healthy food but felt bloated and lethargic and gross – blocking the flow…)

So not only are our bodies, minds and spirits nourished by good, healthy foods – lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains and water but also by movement or exercise, by good books and good music (remember pleasure!), by the act of creating, by meditating. We have to start treating ourselves as a whole entity – not a sum of our parts! We can eat healthy and be in great shape and STILL not be nourished.

As I shared last week, I was re-reading Life, Paint and Passion and just got totally inspired and for the past 3 or 4 days, I’ve been painting again. This isn’t painting for product – painting pretty pictures – it’s about the creative process. Just painting. And then NOT putting meaning behind the painting (oh, I used that color because…) which just adds to this database of garbage we “already” know about ourselves that we have filed under I for insights (and let’s be honest – unless we implement an experiential plan of action around those insights – that file in particular is deep in the basement of our mind simply collecting dust. Instead of trying to figure ourselves out more – simply create through your intuition. Well, I must say, the process has awakened in me a calm connection. I feel nourished (except of course for those candy bars which kept me away from painting last night…blocking the flow…)

Patty’s Challenge: First of all, I would recommend the book Life, Paint and Passion. It’s a great read, but you don’t need the book or to read the book to simply create. Although I’ll work on coming up with a specific creative project tomorrow – get a piece of paper, some water colors or crapaas, or crayons or collared pencils or paints and just create. Choose a color, put the color to the paper and draw a line or a blob – just move the brush or pencil, or whatever and allow your intuition to take over. Don’t judge or think that it’s silly. Don’t create a pretty picture just to create a pretty picture – allow your intuition to guide you.

If you don’t take this mini project on – do not make yourself wrong (or me wrong for suggesting it!) – but choose something that is going to nourish you – not just your body – but your mind and soul as well.

Love to you,


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