Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Waiting to Exhale

Dearest Goddesses,

I never realized the sheer genius of the title of Terry McMillan’s book Waiting to Exhale until recently when I actually had the feeling like it had been weeks since I had really exhaled. I’ve had the feeling of holding my breath in anticipation for months now. I went to my tried and true guide Living with Joy by Sanaya Roman and I flipped it open to a chapter on clarity.

When we are faced with change or feelings of uncertainty we tend to lose our perspective on the big picture and only focus on the immediate situation. When we keep our perspective, when we look at our life as one long story instead of a series of disjointed chapters, suddenly the “crisis” that we are facing in chapter 157 becomes the baseline for the tremendous epiphany in chapter 163. (I suppose if my life were like a James Patterson book, I’d already be on chapter 1063 at least…)

But seriously – think about a time in your life when you faced a tremendous challenge – one of those “end of the world” bits. Although you still may look back on that as a difficult time in your life or still think it was unfair, etc. the truth is you survived. It wasn’t the end of the world – and chances are, if we truly look back on the situation, it turned out for the best or provided a needed learning experience or simply proved the old adage that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.

I’ll share a bit of an excerpt from Living With Joy with you now:

“Achieving clarity involves seeing the larger picture, a longer time frame, a bigger perspective. The larger your view, the clearer you can be…If you are willing to look at yourself as a whole, you can begin t find different levels of clarity around the present moment. It does not mean you need to know the form or where you are going. It means that the larger the picture you hold of who you are, the clearer you can be. If you were to go into the future and look back at today, you could gain a new perspective of who you are, for clarity is brought about by the changing of perspective. Most of you have certain ways you think, certain habits and patterns. Every time you break free and find a new way of thinking, you increase clarity. Clarity is not something that you reach and have from then on. It is an ongoing refinement of your picture.”

I read a quote today on a friend’s facebook page and really connected to it and so I think I will leave it with you today:

'When you come to the edge of all the light you have known and are about to step into the darkness, FAITH is knowing one of two things will happen...There will be something to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.'

- Patrick Overton

Love to you,



  1. Wow! All I can say is Wow! Very deep stuff and so very true. Just found your blog and went back and read...will have to go back and read more when I have the chance.

    I really needed to read this today...I am going through lots of changes in my life right now...also have a lot of serious stuff I am trying to deal with...facing a giant challange...it is so easy to lose my perspective on the big picture when I am so full of hurt, anger, frustration...ect...it is easy to get lost in the immediate chaos I am experiencing.
    I have been holding my breath so to speak for some time over this situation I am facing...I keep telling myself to just stop and breathe. Thank you for sharing this wonderful insight!

  2. Phew! I feel like I can finally take a breath!

    Anyway, I just posted this morning on http://warriorgirl.blogspot.com/2008/07/were-on-road-to-somewhere.html
    and when I read this post again, I realized how much you must have influenced my post. I remember when I first read this, I wanted to leave a long comment, but couldn't type.

    When I woke up at 6am this morning and sat down at my finally working computer, and my post came pouring out.

    You are so right. I really like the idea about seeing yourself as a whole, and seeing your life as one long story.

    And that last quote reminds me of my flying girl drawings.
